WE have said many times before that the postcode lottery system of availability of medicines for terminally ill people should go.

We fail to see how if you live in parts of England you have easy access to Sutent whereas in Wales you don’t have a chance.

Sutent is known to extend the life of those fighting terminal cancers.

It’s not a wonder drug that provides a cure but it does give people some better quality of life and extra time with their loved ones that they would not have without the treatment.

Why should people living in Wales have to fight to get funding for the drug from their local health boards when they should be spending quality time with their families?

People like Chris Lewis, 55, of Pwllmeyric, who is spending his time fighting the NHS to fund the drug.

Mr Lewis has terminal kidney cancer which has spread to his spine and lungs and was told the drug could prolong his life by at least six months.

Nobody could argue that this is a system that works.

You cannot put a cost on extending the life of anyone and that is why this postcode lottery must end now.