Liz Screen Socialist Labour

Having been born and brought up in Newport East, I have strong links with the constituency although I now live in Cardiff. For many years I was a Labour Party activist but resigned in 1996 because I could no longer tolerate New Labour EURO TMs betrayal of working people.

For eight years Tony Blair EURO TMs government has pursued the Tory agenda of privatisation and cuts in services. This continuation of Tory policies has resulted in the devastation of the steel industry, made a shambles of our railway system and left our health and education services in desperate need. The profits of shareholders are put before the well-being of the public.

The SLP is opposed to the current exploitation of workers by trans-national companies which milk the area dry on government subsidies and then disappear.

Wales has a wage economy equivalent to the poorer countries of Eastern Europe, with an increasing divide between rich and poor. No wonder that in today EURO TMs society many young people cannot even imagine a secure or happy future, and become easy prey to the drug and crime cultures which stem from unemployment, the racist propaganda of the far Right, and the greed of international racketeers.

New laws are leading to the increasing criminalisation of the population We are encouraged to see the threat of terrorism at every corner and fear and suspicion rule our lives. Since 2000 six new laws have been passed in the UK all of which restrict our civil liberties and create a EURO big brother EURO TM state.

In addition there is the proposed introduction of ID cards. The events of 9/11 are used to justify the EURO detention EURO TM without trial of anyone suspected of being a terrorist EURO " and these powers of detention can apply to any of us. The restrictions are constantly being extended and re-defined.

They can now even be used against animal rights activists, anti-road protesters and anyone involved in legitimate protest. I stand for: -

* A properly financed NHS, available to all and free at the point of need EURO " no local hospital closures nor reductions in beds;

* Restoration of student grants at pre-1979 levels and abolition of fees;

* Decent, guaranteed state pensions for all linked to both incomes and prices;

* Withdrawal from the EU, giving us £10 billion pounds to invest in youth and community projects;

* Public ownership of all utilities and banks and financial institutions which could direct regeneration and create real jobs.