WHEN Gwent film fans take in the new film The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, some of the scenery may look familiar.

For the disused quarry in Trefil, was used as a stunning backdrop for the £60m blockbuster - which held its premiere in London on Wednesday. Villagers have greeted the film's general release next week with muted enthusiasm. Trefil town councillor Alyson Tippings said that she would eventually see it.

She said: "I will probably wait until it comes to Brynmawr and support my local cinema. But everyone is more excited about us being in the Wales District rugby final at the weekend.

"There are about 20 busloads going from this area to the Millennium Stadium!"

The film crew for Hitchhikers' chose the disused quarry after searching the world for a crash site with spectacular scenery. Filming took place in the summer.

Trefil, near Tredegar, was recently named by former Labour leader and EC vice president Lord Kinnock as his favourite place in Wales.