PEOPLE representing more than a dozen different nationalities and five religions yesterday symbolically mixed the soil to nurture a Tree of Peace.

It will form the centrepiece of a new peace garden at Community House, in Eton Road, Newport.

All those who attended the planting had personal links with the centre which is widely used by many groups in the community. European funding, via Newport council, has enabled the garden to become a reality.

Local people and Community House users worked with Newport organisation CDG to design the area.

It contains features includ-ing grass where children can play and a raised bed suitable for disabled people.

The garden also has a water feature to enhance a sense of tranquility.

Brian Selby, of Community House, said members of the lunch club had worked with youngsters from Maindee Primary School to make clay handprints for mosaics being developed by Andy O'Rourke.

He said that many people had already donated a plant, often in memory of a loved one, and there were further opportunities for planting.

For more details, call into Community House or contact 01633 265486.