NEWPORT band Big John are coming out from behind their alter-ego The King Pimm And The Hotdogs.

King Pimm were a covers band and have been playing well-known songs to Welsh audiences for five years.

Big John play original songs which have poppy moments and country moments, and are well turned out by the group.

"We were existing on a seasonal basis and on demand appearing mainly through the Christmas period because that's when we'd sometimes get paid," said bassist Matthew Pimm. "The drain of cover commitments constantly wore away at the band."

The band has had problems finding a permanent drummer which stopped them developing Big John.

But at Christmas time the band made a pact that 2005 was the year to get Big John going.

They soon found a new drummer, their third in a year, and the line-up was complete.

Matthew is joined by Andy 'The Fingers' on lead guitar, Paul 'Dry Gun' Evans on rhythm guitar and Jordan 'The Kid' Evans on drums.

"I'm confident as a ship boson that this ship is ready for the seven seas and an eighth if needed," said Matthew. "We are now in full control." The band are trying to get gigs by sending a demo recorded in Le Mons recently to venues in Wales.

The demo demonstrates the band's love of indie and country music and their love of a good song that people can sing along to.

It's feel-good music and hence a world-away from the usual heavy-metal or hip-hop dross that Wales is laden with these days.

Big John are determined to go it alone and perhaps one day they'll be on the same bill as bands like King Creosote.

The band plays in Newport this weekend. Find them in the Meze Lounge on Sunday, February 27 from 8.30pm.

To get in touch with the band email