DAREDEVIL fundraisers abseiled 100 feet down Newport's Royal Gwent Hospital to raise more than £3,000 for our Sparkle Appeal.

Newport mayor Paul Cockeram joined 25 other fundraisers for the event on Sunday.

Councillor Cockeram said: "It was my first time abseiling and I don't really like heights, but it was fun. The worst part was waiting at the top and climbing over - after that I was well on my way.

"I'll give anything a try, I suppose you could say I am a bit of a thrill-seeker, but it's all fun and helps charity."

The mayor announced Sparkle as one of his three charities, and earlier this month he took to the skies and tried hang-gliding during a visit to Heidenheim, Newport's twin city.

Sparkle events co-ordinator Alison Evans said the day was a big success. "It was our first abseil event and it was a big success. We had Rees Eaton, 13, who was our youngest on the day, and he was so good, he thoroughly enjoyed it," she said.

A grand total of £3,500 was raised, which brings us closer to our aim of raising £250,000 towards a new £6 million children's centre to be built at High Cross and help 1,200 disabled children in Newport, Torfaen and south Monmouthshire.