PAVEMENT artist Loretta Daley has been a regular feature in Cwmbran town centre for almost 12 years.

Shoppers flock to see the colourful chalk pastel pieces that the self-taught partially-sighted artist creates, most of which contain animals or nature scenes.

But now Cwmbran Shopping bosses want to charge Miss Daley £80 every time she sets up in the town.

They also told her to take out public liability insurance in case someone "trips over" her work.

Miss Daley, 38, said she can no longer afford to visit the town centre. "I'm absolutely gutted," she said.

"I only make about £50 on a good day, so if I came to Cwmbran I would be losing a lot of money. It's a terrible body blow that has put me off coming back to the town centre.

"I think they have realised they are not getting any money from this little pavement artist. It's very mean spirited."

Miss Daley was brought up in the Fairwater area of Cwmbran but now lives in Cardiff. She still has family living in Cwmbran.

The qualified sports massage therapist started painting in Cwmbran 12 years ago. "At one point my art was my whole life and even though I can't do as much as I used to it is still a big part of my life.

"I like to reach people with my work and show them things they might not otherwise see."

Miss Daley still sets up on the streets of Cardiff but says she is looking for another town to visit instead of Cwmbran.

A spokesman for Cwmbran Shopping said: "In the past Miss Daley has turned up at the centre on an ad hoc basis, without our prior knowledge or consent.

"Everyone who comes on to the town centre, whether they are providing entertainment or any other kind of attraction, needs to have a licence to ensure that they are adequately covered for health and safety and public liability insurance."

The spokesman said the normal rate for such activities is £80, but said they would negotiate with Miss Daley.

He added: "If this is the first time she has been asked to prove she has the correct insurance cover and to pay a licence fee then she has been extremely fortunate in the past."