VIDEO recordings at weddings are undertaken generally by specialist video production companies.

Not all churches allow photographers in during the service proper, but where they are, the particular skill of the videographer is needed in installing microphones in church and at the reception, for the speeches.

The videographer's job is not the same as that of the still photographer, so it is essential that you allow extra time in order to give each one your undivided attention. As in booking a professional photographer, it is vital to pre-plan in detail with the videographer what is to be covered, and to consider also your selection of music, and wording for video titles.

Once everything is edited into a finished story, professional video companies are able to produce high-quality copies for your families. Again, as in booking professional photographers, it is absolutely imperative at the time you book that you establish exactly the prices you will be paying, and you must ensure at the outset that there are no hidden extras. Remember that quality videographers are always in demand, so you must be prepared to book them early.