WE'RE cracking car crime. New figures released today confirm our Car Safe campaign - to drive out the car criminals - and Gwent Police's Operation Maple are working.

The campaigns were launched within weeks of one another last summer following a shocking surge in thefts of and from cars between April and June last year.

But today's national crime statistics reveal that between July and September, car crime fell back to the same lower figure seen in that period in 2002. There were 2,046 car crimes between July and September 2003 compared with 2,718 between April and June. And Gwent Police predict a further drop in car crime when the next quarterly statistics come out.

South Wales East AM William Graham, a former magistrate, said: "Congratulations also to the Argus for focusing on a very important community issue.

"And congratulations to Gwent Police on a significant reduction - although there are no grounds for complacency."

Car crime victim David Bryant, from Pontypool, added: "The police are going in the right direction, but need a lot more help. The Car Safe campaign is helping the cause."

Detective Superintendent Alun Thomas said: "These results are very encouraging, especially when we look at the detection rate which stands at 30 per cent, the second highest in England and Wales."

Among our Car Safe achievements are: Newport Retail and Leisure Park, Spytty, car park owner Johnsey Estates increasing security;

Collier CRE, managing agents of Harlech Retail Park, Maesglas, agreeing to boost security at tenants request and;

Gwent magistrates voting to get tough on car criminals.