ANGRY residents say their children are playing on asbestos-contaminated land and council chiefs are not doing enough to end the danger.

Residents in Lower Glantorfaen Terrace, Forgeside, in Torfaen, say that despite warnings youngsters have even been picking up pieces of the hazardous waste to use as chalk.

The dumped material is in a grassy bank near the terrace. The council says the dangerous material has been exposed by somebody disturbing the surface of the bank, but insists there is no "no immediate health risk", because the small amount of waste which was exposed has now been removed.

The rest it, says, is safely buried for the moment. But dad-of-four Phil Davies, who lives in Lower Glantorfaen Terrace, says there are tiles and fragments still clearly showing, and he is calling on the council to act with more urgency.

"When we first reported it the council's emergency response team came out straight away. They confirmed it was asbestos," he said.

He added: "But then they said they had to give the waste transfer station three working days notice in order for the asbestos to be removed.

"And yet it's fine in the meantime for children to be playing on the site, picking up pieces of the material to use as chalk, and for dust to be circulating."

Mr Davies said the removal operation consisted of two men in overalls and gloves, with green plastic bags.

"They sprayed the area down and removed about eight to 10 tiles which were showing, but there is quite obviously a considerable amount still there," he added.

Older residents said the material might have been buried on the site by the old urban district council. They said it could be rubble from a slaughterhouse in the town which was demolished.

A council spokesman said the site had been "closely monitored" since the first call.

He added: "However, we will be carrying out remedial work shortly to make sure that the bank is not damaged any more. We are also arranging for testing to be carried out to decide what action is best for the future.

"If anybody has information about who may have dumped asbestos in this area, or knows who is damaging the verge we would be grateful if they could contact us on 01633 648442."