A MEMORIAL stone to be erected on the spot where four friends died when their car plunged in to the River Usk will be donated free.

Family and friends were carrying out a fundraising drive to buy a memorial, but now a Newport family firm has told them they can have a stone.

Relatives of Leighton Pring, Anthony Hill, Martin Biggs and Matthew Reardon want to mark the site of the accident, which happened last December.

Leighton's mother Diane organised a charity event, held on Friday, to raise money for a memorial stone to be placed on Caerleon Road. The event, a disco and auction, was held at Newport Rugby Club.

But Newport monumental sculptors EJ Herbert, of Corporation Road, have offered to provide the permanent marker.

"We live in Caerleon and pass the site every day," said Caroline Herbert, one of the partners in the firm. "We just felt it was something we could do for the families."

Her husband Jonathan is the fourth generation to work for the company, which has been operating in Newport for more than 100 years. The families of the four men have agreed on the stone and it will be erected on the site, subject to approval, later this year.

"It is absolutely brilliant of them," said Mrs Pring, of Bishton Street.

She said the families would now get together to decide which charities would benefit from the fund-raising night but thought one would be SARA, the river rescue organisation called out on the night of the crash. Jacqueline Hill, mother of Anthony, told the Argus she was very grateful to the firm for its offer to provide the stone. "The boys were very well loved. It's a tribute to them," she added.

She said they were still calling for a safety barrier to be erected at the spot where the car left the road, and more than 13,000 people had now signed their petition.

"I would like to thank all the people who have supported the campaign."

Leighton, 22, and his friends Matthew, 23, Martin, 34, and Anthony, 35, died after their car left the road and crashed into the river near the St Julian's pub on December 10.

The only survivor of the horrific accident was Matthew's brother, Kristian.

* Pictured: Jacqueline Hill at the site of the accident which claimed the life of her son Anthony and his fellow pool team members