CHILDREN at a Chepstow nursery are busy learning all about the life of a caterpillar as part of their education.

The 43 three and four year olds at Pembroke County Junior and Infants School in Bulwark were investigating through the story of the Hungry Caterpillar how such a small creature turns into a butterfly.

Caroline Harvey, one of the nursery teachers, said: "We have the story for all their learning; counting, sequencing, finding out about the world.

"They have also tasted fruits that the 'hungry caterpillar' in the story ate. They included apples, plums, pears, oranges and strawberries."

As part of their learning the children have also made caterpillars out of clay and butterfly-shaped biscuits.

A special exercise has involved the children looking for items associated with the story in a specially constructed sand pit.

In the sand pit are items that tell the life story of a butterfly. When a child finds an item they have to tell their friends about it and how it relates to the story of the caterpillar. Soon the children will begin practising for their Christmas concert, which will feature poems and carols, for parents on December 11 and 12.

*PICTURED: Carla Hughes. aged four, of Pembroke County Junior and Infants School, Chepstow, paints a butterfly