A LORRY driver missed death by inches when youths on an M4 footbridge in Gwent dropped a brick which smashed his windscreen.

The impact shattered the glass directly in front of the driver's seat, causing £500 worth of damage.

An Alway policeman said: "Fortunately nobody was hurt but if it had gone through the windscreen the driver would have had a brick in his face at 60 miles an hour."

John Davies, 44, (pictured) who works for Nationwide Crash Repairs, was driving a mini-transporter carrying two cars eastbound on the M4 between St Julians and Coldra at Newport yesterday afternoon.

Police have confirmed that at least three youths were dropping rocks on vehicles from a footbridge over the motorway.

It is the latest incident in an astonishing series of attacks on vehicles by stone throwers in the last few weeks.

They resulted in a temporary cut in Newport bus services. On Wednesday, a gang stoned a minibus taking boxers home from training in Newport.

Transport police have also investigated three incidents of debris placed on the main railway line at Caerleon this week.

The brick dropped on Mr Davies' lorry bounced off and forced him to pull over the side of the road.

Mr Davies, of Nelson Drive, Royal Oak, Newport, said: "Nothing like this has ever happened to me before.

"I was doing about 60mph at the time. The brick didn't come through the windscreen but it will have to be replaced.

"I was a little bit shaken up. There were three kids up on the footbridge, but by the time I'd got to the side, turned the engine off and looked up they'd gone.

"I shouldn't think the police will be able to find them but if I could catch those kids, I'd tell them to stop being so stupid because the next time it could cost somebody their life."

Anyone who has information about the incident is asked to contact Newport Central police station on 01633 244999.