A GWENT electronics firm is creating 50 new jobs after netting a huge new security contract.

Welsh Electrical Supplies has won a contract to supply homes and businesses in South Wales and the West with a leading- edge new security device.

The Blaina-based business, which currently employs six people at its Rising Sun Industrial Estate premises, has landed the contract with security firm ADT.

And WES is now actively recruiting staff to help manage what it expects to be a flood of orders for the new leading-edge ADT security systems.

Joint partner Andy Jones said: "We are absolutely delighted to have won this contract, which is by far the biggest we have secured in our three years in business."

Mr Jones said WES would now be looking for new premises in the Gwent area, although it would retain its presence in Blaina and its retail electrical business.

*PICTURED: Andy Jones (left) and Tristan Farr of Welsh Electrical Supplies.