A TOTAL of 250 people jumped off the roof of Newport's Royal Gwent Hospital for charity at the weekend.

The National Kidney Research Fund, with the technical help of the 29th Cadet Training Team, organised a sponsored abseil down the side of the hospital's B Block, which deals with maternity patients, on Saturday and Sunday.

Fundraising manager Tom Irving said: "We're hoping to raise between £20,000 and £30,000 for the National Kidney Research Fund.

"The 29th Army Cadet Training Team very generously agreed to provide all their technical skills and the necessary equipment for free."

Sarah Goodey, 28, of Maindee, was among those to raise at least £70 from family and friends to tackle the 100ft drop.

She said: "It's terrifying and then great. I wanted to abseil because I'm scared of heights and I thought it might help.

"It was hard, but I'm definitely going to do it again and next time I'll be a lot better." Eluned Parrott, 27, of Cardiff, said: "There's something very scary about standing up there with your back to a sheer drop, especially when there's a hundred people cheering. "But it makes you feel good that you've gone out and achieved something, and that's what it's all about.

"Also, it's not too far to get to casualty if something goes wrong!"

*PICTURED: Tina Nicholson ready for her abseil