WE’VE said it before and we say it again - the National Assembly made a huge mistake in bowing to pressure from the farming lobby by setting up a badger cull.

Yesterday the Assembly decided to go-ahead with the scheme, which in our view is extremely short-sighted.

We, like many of readers, are disgusted by the short-sightedness and sheer inhumanity of it.

Please tell us where the scientific evidence is which says a cull is a good idea.

Government tests have proved that there is no substantial evidence that badgers contaminate cattle with Bovine TB.

In fact it is thought just as likely that cattle contaminate badgers.

In a ten-year research project carried out by the Independent Scientific Group more than 10,000 badgers were slaughtered. It made no difference to control of the disease, but cost the taxpayer £34m.

There is no authoritative scientific research which can attribute Bovine TB to badgers.

Goodness knows how many badgers are going to die based on shaky evidence and pressure from the farming community.

It’s an awful decision. It’s barbaric. And it’s simply wrong.