A FORMER army mechanic who spent four years in Iraq set up his own car repair business in the hope of employing other ex-servicemen wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Mark Goodison, 43, of Chepstow Road, joined the army in 1985 and had a military career spanning more than 20 years.

A former corporal in the 13/ 18 Royal Hussars, Mr Goodison worked as a diesel mechanic and completed tours in countries including Bosnia and Kuwait, before spending four years in Iraq with the American forces between 2006 and 2010.

He described how his job of making sure American armour and equipment was up to standard was often fraught with danger.

"Every day in Iraq we'd hear explosions caused either by controlled detonations of devices or enemy fire," he said. "But you become used to it and just get on with the job servicing military vehicles."

Mr Goodison returned from Iraq earlier this year, and decided to start work on a lifetime ambition of running his own business.

The father-of-two bought the Revive! Franchise for Newport, carrying out mobile paint repairs on cars, and hopes over the next six months he can build the business to a size where he can start employing fellow ex-servicemen wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan to help them get back into full time employment.

He said: "I've seen first hand how hard it is for ex-servicemen who have had to leave because of serious injuries to make a life for themselves in the outside world.

“But because I understand what they've gone through I will be well placed to offer them the new start they are looking for and provide the support they will need to re-adjust."