PEOPLE in Newport plan to make big cuts in their personal spending, according to a pre-Budget survey from the Principality Building Society.

New Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne has already signalled his intent to make billions of pounds in savings in today's Budget, but people in Newport among more 600 questioned across Wales appear to be looking at scaling down personal and household spending.

Switching utility providers, reducing weekly food bills, and cutting back on High Street shopping for clothes are among the actions being considered.

The latest Principality Building Society saving and spending quarterly survey revealed that almost nine-in-10 of those questioned in Newport are slightly concerned, concerned or very worried about the current state of the UK economy, with a similar number believing that recession is still biting.

More than seven-in-10 intend to save more or the same amount of money this year as they did last year, though a majority admit they think now is a bad time to save, mainly due to the low interest rate.

People in Newport, Cardiff, Swansea and Wrexham were questioned for the survey.

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