SHOPPERS visiting Newport's Upper Dock Street for the first time might get a sense of deja vu - and the reason is elementary.

For five days earlier this year the city centre street was transformed into London’s Chinatown for an episode of the BBC’s latest hit show Sherlock - the latest in a long line of Gwent locations used for television and Hollywood films.

Film crews, actors and extras descended on the street in April to film scenes from the second programme in the three episode run of Sherlock which starred Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman.

The episode followed the story of an international antiques smuggling ring and saw Upper Dock Street given a make-over with Chinese lanterns strung across the road, London street signs replacing the Newport ones, and Newport area codes on shop front telephone numbers painted over.

The shop, now occupied by Glamour and Glitz, was used as the set for a Chinese gift shop – the front for the smuggling of the ancient artifacts.

John Kerr, whose shop Strawberry Water Junk Antiques was in the shop now occupied by Glamour and Glitz, said: "Quite a few customers have mentioned it since because they recognise the street from the television."

Film crews also shot scenes in the Newbridge Memo, which has previously been used by the makers of Doctor Who.

Watson and Holmes can be seen in the Memo’s auditorium and ballroom as they investigate a mysterious Chinese circus.

Howard Stone, from the Memo, said: "A few of our volunteers were extras and they were quite thrilled and excited to be part of it. Everyone has said it looked fantastic on screen."

Programme makers confirmed Sherlock will be returning for a second series, but could not say where new episodes will be filmed.