Because sometimes, we all need an outlet.

It's truly amazing to think that each day, approximately 1.6 million weblog postings are made.

Roughly 18.6 posts per second, as recent research shows.

Yep, that's right. Per second. Okay, so it's quite easy to see that the world has an opinion to share.

I can cope with that. However, it kind of makes one feel slightly insignificant.

Having leapt into what the internet population has dubbed 'the blogosphere' not long ago, I aim to stay here.

And I want you all to read me, because just remember: I have cookies.

And you wouldn't want me to eat them all myself now, would you?

Actually, scrap that. I already did.

On a serious note, I am glad to be blogging here.

She says, sounding like she's just won the Oscar for Best Actress.

Expect a teary-eyed rendition of Gwyneth anytime soon.

You see, I have always loved keeping diaries, though diaries aren't as fun when you can't share them with anyone else. It's not as though my life reads like the secret diary of Paris Hilton, but let's face it, we all have opinions.

We all have thoughts. And I for one just love a good rant.

What's the point in keeping it all to yourself?

So, first thing's first. Welcome to my outlet, where I will sit here in my office and attempt to be a tad more delighting that those other 175,000 blogs that are supposedly created each day.

Or not.

Just who am I?

As you've probably already gathered, my name is Danielle. I'm 21 years of age; a darkly sassy, quiet yet opinionated student of journalism and other media-related subjects.

I figured you might want to know a little bit more about me, so I'm going to conclude my blogging debut with a couple of fantastic (or not) facts.

1. I was born and raised in Newport, which to me is the best place to live.

I don't say 'you knows it', but the odd 'like' might slip out every now and again.

2. Someone recently asked me if I have ever slapped anyone with a wet fish. My answer? No. But I do hope to experience it sometime soon. Annoy me, and you might just find yourself on my 'fish list'.

3. I'm secretary of my university's student-run TV station, GlamTV. Before you ask, it's short for Glamorgan.

4. I love reading chick-.lit. I discovered the genre back in 2004 and now, as I will unashamedly admit, cannot stop reading it. I guess it's like when some people discover God, only there's more Prada involved.

5. I'm terribly indecisive, yet organised to the point of obsession.

Sohere I am. I may not be an overly-dramatised character in an over-the-top soap opera; I'm just a regular person who just happens to have a rather interesting outlook.

And who knows when I might have a story to share?