E: Having recently spent some time in Neville Hall Hospital I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the staff (except the doctor who kept me waiting eight hours for a painkiller).

Having had a CT scan I now have a piece of paper which states that my brain is normal, I knew it wasn't me it was everyone else!

Unfortunately I have to have an MRI scan as an outpatient since they haven't found out what's wrong with me; I'm sure my friends and family can think of quite a few things but luckily they aren't being consulted.

My only real moan is the price of the phones, having your own phone is a huge advantage but they cost a fortune, especially for anyone ringing in.

I was lucky, I had a mobile and was able to go outside to use it but many people are bed-bound and forced to use the phones as their only means of communication.

One note of caution for anyone taken to hospital: if they put drops in your eyes to expand your pupils do not, I repeat DO NOT, go outside to use your mobile, especially in bright sunlight.

It wasn't that I couldn't see the buttons I couldn't see the phone!

I would also like to wish well everyone I met while I was in there and hope that hips, legs, lungs etc. are much improved and on the mend.

I can honestly say I was truly humbled by the ability of people to put up with pain but should say that the nurses are there to help and if you don't tell them, for fear of making a fuss, they can't do their jobs properly.

If you don't tell them they can't help.