A MOTHER whose baby developed breathing problems wants a forthcoming smoking ban at all Gwent hospitals brought forward after she had to carry him through a cloud of smoke to see doctors in Newport.

Geraldine Hargrove, 25, returned to children’s A&E the day after four-monthold son Cruz received oxygen treatment for bronchiolitis to find several smokers crowding the entrance.

The mum-of-four, whose now healthy three-year-old daughter Atlanta almost died from the condition as a baby, wanted a second opinion after Cruz was released the previous day.

But the Rogerstone resident says plans to ban smoking at hospitals altogether cannot come soon enough after Cruz suffered a coughing fit on entry to the Royal Gwent on Sunday.

“It needs to be put in place straight away, not waiting until next year because it’s an ongoing thing and in the meantime children are still suffering” she said.

Plans to ban smoking at all hospital sites by March 2012 were announced in June, alongside promises to include the Royal Gwent as soon as safety concerns over patients smoking on Belle Vue Lane were resolved.

Back then the site’s sheer size was said to complicate progress, especially regarding patients popping out for a cigarette.

But the Aneurin Bevan Health Board has since confirmed smoking in all grounds will be eradicated by national non-smoking day, including the Royal Gwent.

Existing smoking shelters will gradually be phased out at hospitals from October, starting with Blaenau Gwent and Abergavenny’s Nevill Hall, to allow proper consultation with staff, patients and visitors. Ms Hargrove said: “It’s just not right that it’s at the exits or on your arrival, or when you’re taking your child in – it should be stopped.”