A FORMER Newport man is preparing to publish his seventh children’s book after he was inspired by his own son’s battle with cancer.

Mike James, 39, emigrated to Australia with his parents when he was eight, but has fond memories of his life in Brynglas Road and still supports the Wales rugby team with the word ‘Cymru’ tattooed on his back.

Mr James, who works as a police officer in Perth, has written a successful series of children’s books about the rugby character Bootsie.

The eight books follow the life of Bootsie on and off the field and also teach the reader about the game itself.

Mr James has written eight books in the series, six of which have already been published.

His publisher is now editing the seventh book with the idea of releasing it in the next fewmonths, to be followed by the eighth book.

Mr James is hoping the books, which have already proved popular in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, can now take off in the United Kingdom after some firms started offering free postage.

He said: “I have had some of the best feedback from the most important people, kids who read them.

“Although I do get pulled aside by so many parents who want to thank me for their kids actually reading a book.”

Mr James said he has no plans to write another Bootsie book at the moment but said “never say never.”

Mr James started writing the books when his 12-yearold son Connor was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumour in 2007.

His son’s bravery through the operation to remove the tumour as well as the chemotherapy and radiotherapy he went though inspired him and helped the father-of-two come up with the idea of Bootsie.

Mr James said Connor is doing really well and is getting used to hearing aids recently fitted after the chemotherapy affected his hearing.

The 12-year-old is also injected daily with a growth hormone as the radiation and chemotherapy affects the pituitary gland which helps children to grow.

Mr James is also currently juggling life with a new baby daughter after wife Tish gave birth to Bree in November.

The Bootsie books can be ordered from bootsiebooks.com