CAN I urge you all not to watch Trinny and Susannah tonight.

First of all, they have to be the most annoying people on TV. Along with Graham Norton of course.

And Richard Madeley.

Secondly, those damned adverts that have been plastered everywhere for the last month publicising this new show have got right up my nose.

A) Because they've been everywhere and B) Because they feature overweight, ugly people.

I'm not one for thinking we should be showing the natural body in ads and TV shows in a bid to encourage young girls to eat more than a lettuce leaf.

When watching TV, who wants to see some Essex van driver's dangly bits or, even worse, his lardy wife's spaniel's ears?

If you're going to plug a show about the naked body then for god's sake use some decent ones.

Anyone who is any doubt about what I'm saying should take a look at some of the tabloids today which feature Fergie (not Sarah Ferguson, the singer Fergie) rolling around in chocolate for her latest video.

Even the Pope, as one colleague put it, would fail to be moved by that.

DRAMA near us at the weekend when lightning struck a house just two doors up.

Five fire engines and an ambulance were there along with several police cars.

The old dear who lived there was shaken up.

I don't know what all the fuss was about.

At least she knows it isn't going to happen again.

People don't half over react these days.