THE drivers and passengers of than 40 vehicles were caught not wearing seatbelts by police officers in Blaenau Gwent.

An operation by Gwent Police, carried out on Thursday, resulted in 41 vehicles being stopped by officers for breaking the law were offered the chance to watch a hard-hitting presentation to avoid an £80 fine or prosecution.

The initiative is a joint effort between Gwent Police, South Wales fire and Rescue Service, Blaenau Gwent Council and Capita Symonds Road Safety to encourage people to always wear their seatbelts.

Thirty-eight people opted to watch the 30-minute seatbelt safety presentation at Tredegar Fire Station which features graphic footage of what happens to an unbelted person during a collision, as well as educational information on the subject.

Three people were arrested for other offences included disqualified driving, possession of offensive weapon and cannabis.

Gwent Police, Partnership Sergeant, Owen Jones said: "The message is simple, wearing seatbelts saves lives and significantly reduces the risk of serious injury in the event of a collision."

The ‘Options’ initiative will help promote the week-long TISPOL National Seatbelt Campaign which begins tomorrow.