THE family of a Newport scout who died while serving in the First World War joined hundreds of scouts, beavers and cubs in the city yesterday for the annual St George’s Day celebrations.

Rain and high winds put paid to the annual parade through the city centre, but members of the organisation from across the city gathered for a service at St Mark’s Church, Goldtops,led by Reverend Peter Wood.

Youngsters then marched to the Civic Centre to attend a rededication ceremony of a plaque bearing the names of 16 Newport scouts who died in the First World War.

Among those at the service was the family of John Evelyn Garrett, of Pill.

The 21-year-old was serving with the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve patrolling the English Channel aboard HMS Penshurst in 1917 when it was hit by a German submarine.

Despite being severely injured in the blast, the former Alexandra Road School pupil bravely acted on orders to fire back, sinking the enemy vessel with shells.

The member of Newport Scout 3rd Troop died of his injuries the next day.

After the war a memorial plaque was erected to remember him and 15 other Newport Scouts killed in the conflict.

For a decade it hung in the Gaer scout hut, but was stolen one night during a break-in.

No one imagined it would be seen again, but it was found some years later in a scrap yard, dented but otherwise intact.

For several years it was storage in a garage but now it is back on display once again in memory of the 16 men who gave their lives for their country.

Mr Garrett’s niece Gill Garrett, 62, and her husband David Norfolk, 62, of Cheltenham, attended the service.

She was joined her cousins John Garrett, 63, of Manchester and Elwyn Greenland, 78, of Southampton.

She said: "John was one of eight children, he was very much loved and it devastated the family when he was killed in the First World War.

"Although none of us knew him, we all grew up knowing his story and being amazingly proud of him and to see this (plaque) going up and giving him the honour that he deserves means a great deal to the family."