A PLAN to build a retirement complex on the former Millsteel Fabrications site in Abergavenny has been lodged with Monmouthshire council.

Plans to re-develop the delapidated building at Swan Meadows, which backs onto the bus station, first went on display five years ago when developer McCarthy and Stone held a public exhibition.

Under the proposals, 45 one and two-bedroom apartments for older people would be created in one three-storey building off Monmouth Road.

The complex, known as Swan Meadows Court would include a communal area, laundry room, a guest suite and resident’s lounge as well as a landscaped area in the grounds.

Around 600 local residents and representatives were able to see designs for the scheme at an exhibition at the nearby St Mary’s Priory Centre earlier this year.

A spokesman for McCarthy and Stone said: “In its current dilapidated state the site stands as an eyesore on a prominent approach into Abergavenny.”

“It is our aim to enhance the appearance of the site by replacing the existing, run-down building with a sensitive redevelopment of much-needed retirement living apartments.”

Addressing concerns raised by local people about the noise from ‘boy racers’ and danger of buses to older people coming to live close by, he said noise surveys carried out by the firm found that no disruptive noise levels were found at any point of the day.

The building’s design will incorporate local materials and regenerate a redundant area whilst at the same time respecting the privacy of neighbouring properties.