WE’VE all been guilty of not taking the time to take in our surroundings.

Our busy lives normally involve getting from Ato B as quickly as possible – but one of this year’s SuperDragon artists is hoping to encourage us to take a second, and look around.

Kate Broadhurst, 23, has recently completed her studies in animation at the University of Wales, Newport.

As a student in the city she was taken by the 2010 Super- Dragons, so jumped at the chance to be involved with the return of the project.

Miss Broadhurst said: “I thought they were great last time and I’m really into community arts projects so I wanted to be involved.”

Her dragon, Look Up, will be covered in Newport’s architecture, and encourages people do just that.

She said: “People are always busy and rushing so they don’t take the time to look around them, especially in town centres we are just rushing from place to place.

“I guess my dragon’s message is to encourage people to try and take a moment to look around them.”

The architecture isn’t quite what you’d expect, with the focus on the part of the buildings above the street and shop line, where perhaps we don’t normally look.

Miss Broadhurst said: “There will be some place people will know, like the civic centre and the old art college , but some places people who have come to see me painting the dragon haven’t recognised.

“Most of the buildings are along the High Street and people who have seen the designs have been surprised at how nice some of the buildings in Newport are.

“I hope it is engaging for people and gets them trying to pick out the buildings on the dragon.”

Miss Broadhurst enjoyed her SuperDragon debut, but was somewhat shocked by the size of the task.

She said: “It has certainly inspired me and given me some fresh ideas I’d like to try out and it has been great fun. The only thing that was a bit of a shock is juts how huge they are. You do a nice 2D design and submit it but when you go and pick up your dragon to actually start work, they’re massive.”