A FORMER Gwent council leader blasted a decision by Newport council's cabinet to appoint a team of consultants to review its senior management.

Tory group leader Councillor Matthew Evans has branded the decision as "sheer hypocrisy" following previous criticism of the use of outside consultants by the Labour group when it was in opposition.

But Labour council leader Bob Bright said it would be inappropriate for the review to be solely carried out by council employees as the management review will focus on the top three levels of the organisation, The new Labour Newport council cabinet has approved a recommendation for the Hay Group consultancy to review how its senior managers are structured.

Last year and while in opposition Labour Cllr Mark Whitcutt attacked a contract between the council and Newton Europe which would see the consultancy paid £801,825 if it finds £10.7 million in social services cuts.

A report to Newport's cabinet said that following the resignation for the former corporate director for young people and performance in January, an interim set-up was implemented.

Currently there are two corporate directors, one interim director of corporate services and ten heads of service as well as managing director Tracey Lee.

The report said that the engagement of an "external resource" - the consultants - would bring "independence and impartiality" to the process.

Cllr Evans said his Tory and Liberal Democrat coalition administration looked very carefully at the structure: "I think you will find across Wales that we have a very small senior management team.

"Now to go out and suddenly employ consultants for yet another review just seems unnecessary."

Cllr Bright said: "It is unlikely that any organisation would want their most senior staffing structure to be examined by their own employees and I’m sure those employees would also find it uncomfortable to be put in that position."

He added the council is currently operating with an interim structure, and it was important the senior level of staffing was at the right capacity.