A NEWPORT teenager pointed a BB gun into the face of a young girl and threatened her, a court heard.

Cardiff Crown Court heard how Ross Williams, 18, of Monnow Way, Bettws, was intoxicated when he reached into a bag around his waist during the incident on January 6 and brought out a pistol, which looked like the type used by police.

Prosecutor Peter Davies said Williams, with his eyes wide and angry, pointed the barrel end at the victim’s face and threatened to shoot.

“I will mark your face,” Williams said to the girl, who was 16 at the time, before moving away and firing a pellet into a nearby bush.

The court heard Williams, who was at court to be sentenced for the offence on Wednesday, initially denied being involved.

But on June 6, the day his trial was due to start, he pleaded guilty to harassment and affray.

The court heard Williams was originally charged with possession of an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of unlawful violence, but that was not proceeded with and affray was added to the indictment.

Mr Davies said Williams accepted the full facts of the case.

The court heard the victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, had been threatened byWilliams in the time leading up to the gun incident.

Defending Williams, Leighton Hughes said his client was “extraordinarily decent” but had “behaved disgracefully”.

He spoke of his difficulties coping with time on remand while waiting to hear his fate, adding Williams was apologetic.

Mr Hughes asked for a suspended sentence to be imposed, but judge John Curran ruled that option out.

Williams was ordered to serve concurrent terms of 18 months in a young offenders institution. He will also have to comply with the terms of a restraining order, which prevents him contacting the victim.