A NEWPORT woman is preparing to zipslide off the city’s Transporter Bridge with five friends in aid of the Argus-backed Sparkle Appeal, which has provided support for her three-year-old son.

Leanne Coleman, 29, of Malpas, and her friends will face their fears when they take on the challenge on July 15 to thank the charity for the support it has provided to Mrs Coleman’s son, Charlie.

A paediatrician has told Mrs Coleman that it is 99 per cent likely that Charlie has autism.

Charlie will nowbe tested to see how he reacts in group situations and the family hopes to receive a diagnosis within the next three months.

Since January Charlie has been visiting the city’s Serennu Centre at least once a week, where he has seen a paediatrician and an occupational therapist and undergoes speaking language therapy.

He is also about to start physio there.

Mrs Coleman, who is married to Matthew and has an older son, Dylan, seven, said: “We noticed Charlie wasn’t speaking a lot but it has still been a big shock to myself and my husband.

Charlie has come on so much, though, since using the centre.

“He loves it there and everyone is so kind.

“I just wanted to do something to help them.”

Mrs Coleman will take on the challenge with sister-in-law Clare Lucas-Coleman and friends Alana Corey, Amy Hortin, Sally Kendall and Rebecca Cook.

To sponsor visit Mrs Coleman's website via the link.