A CHEPSTOW resident has appealed for his local shop to stay open.

The shop, based in Chepstow Community Hospital, is under review, and nearby resident Keith Derrick thinks it will be a great loss to the hospital, as well as the community, if it were to close.

Mr Derrick said: “It is a shame for patients at the hospital if we lose it, but also local people who use it, too, as you can walk there from houses in and around Woolpitch Wood.”

Mr Derrick uses the shop to buy his morning paper, but if the shop were to close he would have to drive to the next nearest shop.

A spokesman for the Aneurin Bevan Health Board said: “No decision has been made about the future of the retail shop at Chepstow Community Hospital.

“At this stage options are currently being looked into with staff.”

Mr Derrick added: “I have used the shop for the last ten years, and they already have reduced opening hours. It will be a great loss.”