SHIVER me timbers was the theme of a party at a Newport nursery on Wednesday as toddlers became mini pirates for the day.

Fairoak Nursery celebrated the end of term with a pirate party for children in the nursery and in Flying Start.

The children, aged between two and four, dressed up as pirates and enjoyed games in the garden including a treasure hunt.

The children also bought in their own pirate picnics with some enjoying skull and cross bone sandwiches made by parents.

The end of the party saw a singing session where the children and parents learnt some pirate phrases.

Headteacher Heather Morgan said: "They had a lovely day. They were all dressed up and were really excited."

Fairoak was also visited by Steve Murray from cancer charity Latch on Wednesday where he was presented with a cheque of money raised through a sponsored walk for the charity.

The children completed the walk last month to Beechwood Park and back and were sponsored by parents which raised more than £500.

Donations were also made to the charity on Wednesday when the children were able to have their photo taken with one of the Olympic torches bought into the nursery by Mr Murray.