A JUNIOR football club in Pontypool could be given a new playing field as part of proposals for a £3.6 million expansion of a gipsy and traveller site, but claim they are being “held over a barrel” about the plans.

Race Junior Football Club have been battling for a designated safe football pitch since 1997 when Torfaen council closed their local pitch due to subsidence.

As part of the council’s proposals for the expansion of the existing gipsy site based around the Shepherd’s Hill site in Cwmynyscoy, the former pitch, which subsided due to past industrial use, could be used to accommodate further caravan pitches.

A replacement playing field and facilities would also be created for Race FC under the proposals, but people involved with the junior football teams say they feel under pressure as they can have a newpitch only if the gipsy site expansion goes ahead.

Currently the junior teams play next to Race Social Club on an unmarked field, which has no changing room facilities or floodlights.

Chairman of Race Junior FC, Dai Coslett, said: “The council is dangling a carrot on a stick for us.

“But as far as I’m concerned if a pitch has been identified for us we should have it regardless of what happens to the gipsy site.

“We’ve been waiting 15 years for a football pitch, but it’s not the answer to be held over a barrel.

“Our original pitch has just been sat there and now it can be made safe, but not for us.

“Four caravans have recently appeared on the small pitch the juniors currently play on so now there’s nowhere for them to train until the caravans move on.

“Our disabled team are having to train down in Cwmbran by the boating lake.”

Mark Williams, a coach at the club, added: “I understand the plight of the gipsies but we have a problem of our own having nowhere for the kids to train.

“We are being treated unfairly.

“We’re in a catch 22 situation and are being held to ransom as a football club.

“The only reason we will be getting funding is because of the gipsies. It’s a bit naughty really.”

A spokesman for Torfaen council said: “We are in active discussions with the club and have identified a potential site as part of our gipsy traveller proposals.

“The proposals are not totally dependent on eachother, however there are potential funding opportunities to finance the new football field which we would look to explore.”