I want to be your MP in Newport West because I believe our city and our country can be better. Since I first came to Newport over 25 years ago whilst at Monmouth School I have seen a city with so much potential let down by decades of poor leadership.

This General Election is crucial for the future of Newport. It is a time when we either learn from the past and take Newport forward through progressive change, or continue with the same old failed policies that have held our city and our country back.

What do I believe? I believe we need to tackle the growing threat of crime and antisocial behaviour in our neighbourhoods and city centre; I believe we need stronger discipline, less bureaucracy for teachers and more involvement for parents in our schools; I believe we need to protect front line NHS services and put decision-making in the hands of healthcare professionals; I believe we need a Government that will build a sustainable recovery from the ashes of Gordon Brown’s recession, and I believe that Newport West needs an MP to provide leadership, not one sat on the sidelines commentating.

A vote for me is a vote for people over politics, a vote for freedom over bureaucracy, and a vote to bring about positive and progressive change to Newport. When I walk around the city I see many problems, but so very many more opportunities - opportunities to make our communities safer, opportunities to make our local economy more prosperous, and opportunities to make Newport a better place to live.

At a time when people feel disillusioned with MPs I ask you to cast a positive vote for change in Newport so we can get this city moving forward again. I am working to support individuals, businesses and communities across the city and address the issues that matter to you.

My pledge to you is simple: hard work, integrity and a commitment to always put Newport and its residents first. Your vote can start a new era in Newport on May 7th. If you believe our country and our city are all that they can be then choose five more years of Gordon Brown.

If you, like me, believe that we can do better, use your vote to change Newport for the better. Newport has settled for second best for decades. This is your chance for change.