Newport-based GD Environmental was one of the winners at the Welsh National Procurement Awards.

The event saw companies from across Wales gather to recognise and celebrate the achievements made through public procurement, public service delivery and tendering.

The awards, which are now in their third year, are organised by Bangor University’s Institute for Competition and Procurement Studies, sponsored by the Welsh Government and supported by Minister Jane Hutt and Value Wales.

The corporate social responsibility award attracted a diverse range of high-calibre entries, with finalists including RCT Homes and Rogers Communications Inc.

Category winners, Newport-based GD Environmental company scooped top prize for its innovative approach adopted to safely satisfy the treatment of landfill leachate produced at local landfill sites on behalf of a local authority.

To fulfil the requirements of the contract, GD Environmental manufactured and commissioned an innovative water treatment plant at its headquarters in Newport.

The technology is the first of its kind to operate in Wales and has provided the safe treatment of more than 29,000 tonnes of landfill leachate since the contract commenced in 2012.

The judging panel said: “This was an excellent submission and a pleasure to read. This company is always looking for the next good idea…this business will continue to go from strength to strength”.

Managing director Mathew Roderick said: “Working in-line with our green credentials, we are is committed to achieving substantial environmental progress through carefully crafted initiatives such as our specialist waste water treatment plant. This accolade demonstrates our commitment to going above and beyond contract requirements. We are extremely proud of the loyalty our clients show in us by continually seeking to re-engage with us, due to the strength and effectiveness of our service.”