Christmas greetings to everyone as we get into the swing of the festive season. It’s easy for all of us to get lost in the pandemonium of shopping, family engagements and celebrations. But let’s not forget at this time of year that the Christmas spirit is not something that everyone is able to cherish.

There have been appeals for several years about checking on your neighbours during bad weather to see if everything is alright. Our winters can be bitter, so it’s always been something that was especially important. But even if we have a mild one, don’t forget in the whirlwind hubbub to be neighbourly and spread some festive cheer. You never know how important it may be.

As the MP, it’s always lovely at Christmas time to be able to take part in events throughout the borough and see the community at its best and most generous. Whether it be seeing the hard work of our posties or lunching at care homes, it’s heartening to see community is alive and well in our neck of the woods. It’s not just a Christmas thing too, though it always seems to come to the fore at this time of year – our sense of community is something we should always be proud of.

Obviously as eyes turn to 2015 the General Election begins to rear its head. I myself am looking forward to the opportunities it can offer and the chance to make some real change in this country with a Labour Government. The chance to offer a positive future built on a strong economy is a fantastic one, and with developments such as the Jobs Guarantee Scheme for young people a future which everyone can take part in.

I’ll be on the doorsteps arguing that case and also making sure to listen as well. There should always be a dialogue between politicians and constituents that extends well beyond an X at the ballot box. I run street surgeries, dealing with everything from thorny local issues to the biggest policy questions. No constituent should ever feel as if they are taken for granted, and it is my job to ensure that isn’t the case in 2015 and beyond.