PLANS are ‘firmly in place’ to allow some Cwmcarn High School pupils to return to school, headteacher Jacqui Peplinski said.

In a statement posted on the school's website, she stated: “Plans are now firmly in place to accommodate Years 11, 12 and 13 at the new block on the school site, and a range of other options are being investigated for the other age groups at the school.

"A Special Meeting of Council will take place on Tuesday 23rd October. The council and school will continue to work closely to resolve these issues as soon as possible in the best interests of pupils and staff.

"A letter will be sent to parents on Thursday 18th October providing the latest update on the situation.

"Further updates will be posted on the council's website and"

She thanked parents, teachers and learners for their support and patience and added: “Please be reassured that the leadership team and Governing Body are working very hard on your behalf.

“The messages of support have been a tremendous inspiration and comfort during this difficult time. It is heartbreaking to look at the empty buildings and it reinforces the fact that the people make up the school community and not the buildings.

“The community of Cwmcarn High School is a powerful force and your spirit has been sent into cyberspace; everyone has build the foundations of a true 21st century school.

“I cannot wait to greet the our Sixth Form on Friday and the Y11 learners on Monday."