Victorious Russians

Big events looming

Joffre’s New Year gift

Allies’ important advance

Where our hopes and wishes are concerned we are apt to take a disproportionate view of thing but there are many who will regard the best bit of news this morning is that Flight Lieutenant Hewitt is alive.

He had been reported missing after the Cuxhaven raid and only slight hopes were entertained that he had survived the great adventure but it appears that he was picked up by a trawler which could not put into port owing to the bad weather.

This morning’s news is good generally. From both fronts comes cheering intelligence and while it would be unwise to take too rosy a view of things, the confidence often expressed in this column seems to have been well based.

The 150th day of the war and the opening of the New Year finds the allies vigorously hammering at all German positions in France and Belgium and the Russians once again breaking the force of the German advance and scattering the strength of the Austrians.

On the western front following the allies’ advance east of Nieuport, it has become quiet and the enemy probably has resigned itself to the loss of the hamlet of St George, though it endangers his force between that place and the coast.

It is from the allies’ right that we get the most important news.

Both sides claim the capture of trenches and in Upper Alsace, the French after a house to house fight, have entered Steinbach near Thann.

As will be gathered from the wording of the official report, this important capture represented most desperate fighting and it is good to learn from the evening communiques that the positions won have even maintained. The attack on the other half co it use with a vigour which promises further success.

There is very little further news to hand from official Russian sources, of the campaign in the east but German messages state that the battles in the Bzura region continue and that German offences on the Arawak made progress.

There is a suggestion that Germany has abandoned their plans to advance against Warsaw but this is such a huge confession of failure that the statement must be received with caution.

This is a time of gifts and good wishes and people are asking what will be General Joffre’s new year gift to us.

Steinbach captured, part held

Struggle for remainder

The following communique has been received from Paris:

From the sea to the Aisne it was very quiet yesterday, there was an artillery duel at some points at the front. In Champagne the enemy blew up in the night, two of our trenches and delivered an attack against them which was repulsed.

To the North we have taken some trenches on the second line of the enemy’s defence, again the enemy delivered a counter attack which was again repulsed. Resuming the offensive we gained further ground.