Airmen active

Reprisals for Paris visit

Fall of Przemysl

What may follow

Przemsyl was a modern stronghold much better equipped than Liege, Namur or Antwerp and its outer lines rendered a capture almost an impossible achievement.

The almost impossible has however been accomplished, for yesterday the news was flashed to all parts of the world that the garrison after holding out almost uninterruptedly from September, had surrendered.

Opinions in the absence of authentic information differ as to the strength of the defending forces but probably the number was something like 65,000 originally but that figure would have been much reduced at the time of capitulation.

The Russian triumph is one of the great moments as it releases a large army at a time when it can be most usefully employed but in estimating immediate results it must be remembered that it is a long way to Cracow.

That however, it will have great effect on the Carpathians campaign cannot be doubted. It is officially announced in Petrograd that stubborn fighting is at present proceeding on this front where the Russians are dancing successfully.

From Copenhagen comes a story said to have been received from Berlin stating that a gigantic battle has been commenced in the Carpathians striding, reinforcing drafts have been received by the Russians estimated in another message to amount to 750,000 and it is said it is their intention to break through the Austrian lines at any cost.

The German wireless news last night asserted that after a short engagement south of the town and a stubborn fight in the streets Memel had been taken from the Russians.

Two serious German reverses in the Argonne area are described in the French communiques.

Three mines were exploded and a German trench stormed. Five hundred yards away the enemy essayed a similar move but the attack could not be thrust home and the retiring Germans were caught under the fire of the French artillery suffering heavy losses.

A recovery has been made from a slight setback to the North of Arras. Here on the plateau of Notre Dame de Lorette the French now hold, with the exception of one small section, all the trenches that have been in dispute recently.

Bad weather seems to have still further delayed the resumption of the attack on the Dardanelles but there may also be some truth in the suggestion that nothing further will be done until the arrangements are complete for a full co-operation of land and forces.

A telegram to hand this morning gives some interesting details as to the remarkable activity of French airmen. In the language of the man in the street they appear to have been all over the shop and are certain to have exacted very substantial reprisals for the raid on Paris.

Deliberate outrage

Hospital fired on

Five old men killed

Paris, Monday: an official note issued this morning says ‘In consequence of the defeats sustained by them at La Boiselle, the Germans bombarded the civil hospital at Albert.

The Red Cross flag was flying over the hospital. The bombardment was carried out after the range had been found by aeroplane, and several projectiles found their mark. Five old men were killed and several others wounded. The Mother Superior was seriously injured.