NEWPORT TRANSPORT: Following numerous complaints concerning cuts in evening bus services the forum invited members of Newport Transport to explain the reason for the diminished services which was isolating many senior citizens unable to afford taxi fares to return home after an evening out.

Councillor Herbie Thomas thanked the Chair for the invitation and introduced Scott Pearson, Chief Executive and Morgan Stevens of Newport Transport.Scott explained that these were difficult times for Newport Transport since losing the school contract. 

Difficult decisions had to be made regarding which services to keep and which to reduce, and he was aware how this might effect some people. 
He went on to explain how losing the school contract has had upon the business. Also the funding Newport Transport receives and how this had been reduced. 

For the concessionary fare scheme the Welsh Government used to pay 78% cost of the adult fare; but now 68%. This takes £600 from Newport Transport per year. Government and council cuts amount to a £1m shortfall.

Scott mentioned that New Adventure Travel now offers competition. He further explained that Newport Transport is a commercial business which has to run to commercial rules. The company has to make a profit, so difficult decisions have to be taken. 

Newport Transport is still the main operator in Newport and offers about 77 journeys per evening after 7.30pm. Newport Transport is not run by the city council as before but all profits are ploughed back into the company to provide a social inclusive service.

It was agreed that Newport Transport had for many years provided an excellent service and that no other company provide the late evening services it has provided over the years.

Councillor Thomas reported that even though the company had financial problems it had found money last year to give employees a small pay increase as they had not had one for a number of years.

The Senior Citizens Forum is a body supported by Newport City Council to bring attention to the concerns of senior citizens. 

The executive committee meets on the second Monday of the month, while a public meeting for all citizens over 50 is held at The Leisure Centre at 2pm on the first Monday in January, April, July and October.

All 0ver 50’s are invited to the public meeting at the Newport Leisure Centre at 2pm on Monday April 10. 

Senior Citizens Forum 
John Cox BEM