HEALTH chiefs have issued letters to travellers in an attempt to move them off a hospital car park today.

The travellers, believed to be French, have taken up around 65 spaces at the Royal Gwent Hospital car park in Newport.

Letters issued yesterday state the health board would initiate legal proceedings if they do not leave the site by 4pm on Tuesday.

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board stressed that the Whiteheads car park remained open with 200 spaces and security on site but members of the public have complained their presence had inconvenienced staff and visitors.

A spokeswoman for Aneurin Bevan University Health Board said: “Following advice given by our legal advisers, the health board yesterday issued letters to the travellers requesting that they vacate the site by 4pm today.

“If this does not happen, as advised we will move to the next stage in the process which is to commence legal proceedings.”