MONMOUTH MP David Davies has been asked to step down from his role as a special constable for the British Transport Police (BTP) after a new Code of Ethics was drawn up.

The College of Policing has taken the view that a special constable ‘must not take any active part in politics’.

Mr Davies, who worked a shift as a volunteer special constable once a fortnight and has served as a special for nine years stopped when the guidance was issued last year and has now been asked to step down.

During his service he was awarded a commendation for arresting someone for attempted murder.

He said it is a “great shame” that the rules had changed, affecting himself and fellow special constable, Kettering MP Phillip Hollobone.

He said: “It is a great shame. It has been immensely enjoyable and worthwhile. I have learned a lot.”

A British Transport Police BTP spokesman confirmed the decision was taken after the guidance issued in the Code of Ethics.

He said: “Unfortunately this means we have had to take the difficult step of asking two of our Special Constables, who are also Members of Parliament, to step down from their roles with BTP.”

"This decision is in no way a reflection of the valuable role they have both played in helping keep the travelling public safe and secure and we would like to thank them for their many hours of unpaid service."