THERE Is no doubt that there is a growing need for experts in the field of cyber security.

It is obvious that this is an area which will become increasingly important not just for governments around the world but also for business.

So it is gratifying to know that in the futures some of the foremost experts in the field will undoubtedly be coming out of the University of South Wales in Newport.

USW in Newport is to take its first students later this year on to courses in the newly-created National Cyber Security Academy.

As we reported last week this corner of south east Wales is rapidly developing a growing reputation as a digital hub. This academy bolsters that development.

And the news yesterday the the master-level qualification being offered in Newport in the field of computer forensics has been accredited by the UK Government’s communications and intelligence headquarters is proof of the quality of training which will is to be on offer.

This is high praise indeed.

The University of South Wales is one of 14 colleges across the country to receive certification from GCHQ, but is the only one in Wales.

It means that in Newport there will be a centre of excellence teaching the experts of the future and carrying out vital research into a problem regarded by the government as a major national security threat and one which also costs industry millions every year.