AN EBBW Vale primary school has achieved good ratings across the board from the Welsh watchdog for education.

Inspectors from Estyn - the education and training inspectorate for Wales - visited Glyncoed Primary School in November of last year, with the findings from the report published this week. The school was rated good in all five inspection areas which are: standards, wellbeing and attitudes to learning, teaching and learning experiences, care, support and guidance along with leadership and management.

Inspectors noted that pupils participate very enthusiastically in learning, express their ideas clearly and discuss their work confidently to visitors.

The positive interaction and collaboration among pupils is a big strength of the school.

Rebecca Sims, the school’s head teacher, said: “I am delighted with the outcomes of our inspection and feel privileged to lead such a dedicated team of excellent staff here at Glyncoed Primary.

“I am also very appreciative of our highly effective governing body who, for the last three years, have been genuine partners in our school improvement journey.

“Our pupils are at the heart of everything we do and we highly value our parents’ contribution to school life.

“Pupils’ positive attitudes to learning and excellent behaviour are a real credit to our whole school community.”

The report said that the head teacher and school leaders set high expectations; have a clear strategic vision for the school and use information effectively to identify where further improvements can be made.

Staff work well together to ensure a caring ethos for the wellbeing of pupils and pupils feel safe, well cared for and valued, the report stated.

Cllr Clive Meredith, Blaenau Gwent council's executive member for education and ward member for Glyncoed, said: “I am delighted to congratulate Glyncoed Primary on a very positive inspection report.

“Well done to everyone involved.”

The full report can be read at