HOW intriguing that Carwyn Jones should lend his support to Nicola Sturgeon’s William Wallace complex in the name of national independence. Is this some kind of joke on Carwyn’s part?

The Scottish referendum, even if allowed by parliament (which is highly unlikely) has already been largely pre-decided by a whacking “no” vote in the polls. 

What is the name of reason do Plaid Cymru think they are doing? 
In the nightmare event of Wales separating from the union I would give us a year at most before we come crawling back, impoverished and jobless. But there we are. 

It’s apparently a time for tantrums - just look at Donald Trump. 
We have no truck with such radical concepts as common sense or compromise. 

In ten years time will we be able to look back on all this and laugh? 
I sincerely hope so but somehow I doubt it. 

Julian R Powell
Larch Grove
Malpas Park