Since Ambrose and Pixie Mason have moved on, the PCCs of the four parishes of the Grosmont group have been holding meetings in the various parishes.

The next step will be to put an advert in the Church Times advertising the vacancy. The Church Wardens and the PCC members have to decide what the parishes have to offer and also to have some sort of vision of what things might be like in 5 years time.

In the meantime, the Easter Vestry meetings will be taking place in the next few weeks - the Skenfrith Vestry is on Monday March 31 at 7.30pm.

The Rev. Canon Jeremy Winston, Area Dean and Vicar of St. Mary's, Abergavenny, will chair the Easter Vestry meetings. This is an opportunity to come along and have your say - though only those on the Electoral Roll can stand for office or have a vote.