FUNERAL OF MEIRION WILLIAMS: The funeral took place at the Gwent Crematorium on Tuesday, February 13, 2007. There were many people in attendance showing the respect that was due to Meirion.

His cousin, Helen Philips, read a tribute to him, and a tribute it was. Read with a blend of sorrow and humour, it described his many achievements and how his father and family had devoted their lives to helping him during his short life.

Meirion will always be remembered for his dry wit and merry good humour. The Bingo Club at Hillside and also the Credit Union, together with the Luncheon Club,, will miss him as, indeed, will all the members of the Gaer Community Network.

On a personal note, I well remember the night that he ran his wheelchair over my foot and then blamed me for puttiwill miss him as, indeed, will all the members of the Gaer Community Network.

On a personal note, I well remember the night that he ran his wheelchair over my foot and then blamed me for putting it in the way. We laughed over that incident every time we met. May angels guard him evermore.

SNOWBALLING PROBLEM: For some peculiar reason the schools were closed during the snow period. Rumour has it that it was in case any child slipped and was hurt on the school premises.

It did not, however, have the desired effect because the children were having a great time tobogganing down the grassy slopes in the school grounds.

Others were making a complete and dangerous nuisance of themselves by hurling snowballs at passers-by and, what is worse, at passing vehicles. One person received an injury.

I was informed that the police were called but there were none available and that the wardens did not come on duty until 1pm. This, after I wrote stating that we had a dedicated police officer on the Gaer. Sad, isn't it?

However, the fruit and vegetable co-op turned up, reduced in number, but the customers were served as usual. The morning went very well indeed, but the member for Pantysomewhere was sorely missed. We knew that there was little chance of her getting to the Gaer from her mountain.

In addition, Enid (our always-early volunteer), was also unavailable because of a hospital appointment; her humorous remarks were also sorely missed.

GAER MEETING: There is to be a Gaer Community Network meeting at the community centre on Tuesday, February 27, at 6.30pm. This meeting is open to all residents and it is most important that as many people from the Gaer, who are concerned about problems and activities in the area, should attend.

These meetings are conducted in a very friendly and informative manner and all comments and questions from the community are treated seriously.

GAER YOUTH: Heath van Staden, the ever-active youth development worker, has sent me the following information: The RAP Project: The young people within the Gaer, working alongside Newport Youth and Community Service, and Gaer Community Network, have recently taken part in a South Wales Fire and Rescue Service project.

The project, run over eight weeks, looked at arson reduction, car crime and anti-social behaviour and the effects upon young people themselves and the community they live in.

The young people used their learning to write and produce a rap entitled the G-Crime, which has been put forward for a regional competition.

The young people had a visit to Malpas fire station, where they met firefighters and learnt about the running of a fire station.

On this occasion they received their awards and listened to their rap for the first time.

Heath van Staden, youth development worker, said: "It is a privilege to have such a valuable project within the Gaer, and we are very appreciative of the work put in by all parties involved."

All the young people enjoyed the project and they would like to thank Jo Staples (South Wales Fire and Rescue Service) and Shabs (youth worker) for all their hard work to support the project.

The project has had a lasting, positive effect on all those involved and we look forward to all working together again soon.

In view of the present concern about youth activities, or lack of them, I feel that the Gaer is doing nearly as much as is possible in this area. You can lead youth to activities but you cannot force them to act. Luckily, a large number of the Gaer youth are on the side of common sense.