Henllys WI: We meet on the first Monday of the month in the Coedeva & Hollybush Community Hall, at 7.30pm.

We are a friendly group with many varied interests, but enjoy widening our knowledge and having fun!

Programme Notes: Christmas is in the past now, but looking back at our party in December, we realise what talent our happy group has, for we, in the old fashioned way, entertained ourselves with poems, stories, songs and games! - Yes, it really still is a wonderful way to spend an evening, and with much laughter.

This was followed by a delightful bring and share' buffet.

In January, Reverend Gill Prosser shared her childhood memories with us, as she and her family endured the prison experience in China during the end of the Second World War.

She explained how she was able to re-visit China with her husband in 2000, which for her, completed the circle'.

February saw us learning all about the history and amazing properties of Aloe Vera', from Anne Russell. Many of us just have the plant on our shelves to enjoy, not realising how amazing it really is!

The aloe vera plant has 75 different properties in it's gel', and is used widely for both human and animal well being and is known to have been used by the ancient Egyptians!

We have a number of new members in our institute, and the March meeting found us sharing, in a minute, a getting to know you'.

It is always to good to share, and fascinating too, to find out how our lives had overlapped without us necessarily knowing it!

All we trust now, is that we remember each other's names!

It was an interesting evening, again showing just what history each one of us is able to share!

We are happy to meet anyone who is interested in joining our group, it isn't all Jam and Jerusalem'!

Please contact our president Elizabeth Haines, by telephoning 01633 872582), or our secretary, Gill Squire on 01633 871858.