A SECTION of Newport County fans are angry about the appointment of Newport County’s new chief executive Dave Boddy, but he insists he’s looking forward to facing his critics when he begins his new role.

The Exiles messageboard has been awash with comments about Boddy’s appointment, chiefly questioning his credentials following a slew of negative comments from Worcester City fans.

However, Boddy, who hasn’t even formally started in his new job yet after opting to leave the Football Conference – though he was in attendance for Friday’s match with Wrexham and met with manager Justin Edinburgh – believes he is better off not knowing when it comes to fans’ forums.

“I haven’t got anything to add to what I said in the press conference, I haven’t seen what has been written but I’m a positive person and I believe my reputation in non-league circles to be second to none,” he said.

“Once I’ve started in the role, I will of course welcome dialogue with supporters.”

Boddy insisted he had no problem with being asked “a fair question”, on Friday when the Argus pushed him on his critics from his time with Worcester.

He said: “You learn from every experience but I am very proud of my achievements at Worcester City.

“People can believe what they want to believe but only the people in the situation at the time know what happened. I walked away with my head held high and what people think isn’t something I can address.

“But I am still afforded a warm welcome at Worcester. I can return there to watch a game without any issues or problems.”

Boddy added that he’s looking forward to working in consultation with Newport County’s supporters’ trust and believes the Worcester posters on County’s messageboard are individuals who’ve had issues with him in the past.

However, former County director and fan Rob Santwris, the driving force behind last season’s fans’ player fund and a moderator on the Exiles messageboard, believes supporters are right to be asking questions about Boddy’s appointment.

Several Worcester City fans have taken to posting on Newport’s messageboard about their former chairman and it appears those posts have stirred the concerns of some Newport followers.

“I, for one, welcomed the appointment of a chief executive, I think it’s absolutely right and proper that the club is run on a full-time basis by people who aren’t pre-occupied by their own business interests,” he said.

“I looked up Dave’s record of where he had been and felt it was a CV well suited to where we are and said as much on the messageboard.

“But the things Worcester fans are saying are concerning to people who love the club and we just want certain questions answered.

“I don’t understand why the club didn’t advertise the position for example and a lot of people feel the same.

“But that doesn’t mean we are all necessarily opposed to Dave Boddy, we just want to know certain things.”

County director Howard Greenhaf was contacted for this story but was unavailable for comment.